Factors Affecting A Personal Injury Claim

The court checks for evidence of negligence, whenever someone tries to file a complaint, regarding a personal injury. The filing of a complaint could allow pursuit of a lawsuit, if the court accepts the filed document. Yet the court does not guarantee the strengthening of any claim that it has accepted. The plaintiff and lawyer have to work to make that claim as strong as possible.

Proper care for evidence

Preservation of the evidence is essential. Claimants find that preservation of physical evidence requires the acquisition of storage space. A retained lawyer might be able to create storage space in his or her office.

Have the victims suffered any permanent consequences?

Did a model suffer a scar on her face? That could affect her ability to get a modeling position. As a result, the model’s lawyer should plan on pointing to the existence of such damages.

Has the issue of fault been resolved?

Maybe the insurance company has alleged that the victim is partly to blame for the accident, or for the severe nature of the accident-linked injury. A claimant cannot fight such an allegation without learning more about the basis for the company’s allegation. An attorney would know how to go after that detailed information.

Were there any witnesses?

A statement from a witness can work to influence the thinking of a juror. A personal injury lawyer would know how to make optimal use of the facts obtained by interviewing a witness. Personal Injury Lawyers in Georgetown understand how to obtain a signed, written statement from someone that witnessed the injury-causing accident.

What events might be mentioned in the victim’s medical history?

Did he or she suffer another injury, as the result of an earlier accident?

Was the victim living with a pre-existing condition?

According to the law, neither of those situations should provide the defendant’s attorney with a reason for casting suspicion on the veracity of the victim’s complaint. Still, a good personal injury lawyer would understand how to remove any hint of suspicion from the eyes of the jury.

Depending on the nature of the victim’s pre-existing injury, the adjuster might allege that the claimant/victim should have been wearing some sort of special protection. A good lawyer should be able to consult with a medical expert, in order to see if a medical specialist would have suggested the utilization of such a device.

The consulted specialist would be able to share his or her familiarity with the device that the adjuster had mentioned. If specialists were not familiar with such an item, then how would any non-professional person know when to use it, or where to buy it?

So, a good attorney could weaken the defense team’s argument.

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