How To Get A Satisfactory Settlement On Your Car Accident Claim?

Tens of thousands of car accidents happen every year. Some accident victims obtain a satisfactory settlement; others do not. What actions can help to guarantee the winning of a fair settlement?

What initial steps should be taken by the victim of a car accident?

Injury Lawyer in Richmond Hill will make a compelling case in a demand letter. State the facts and the circumstances. Explain the nature of your injuries. Show no hesitation, with respect to asking for a certain amount of money, one that exceeds slightly what the victim feels that he or she deserves.

What happens after the sending of the demand letter?

After the demand letter has been sent to the defendant, the defendant’s insurance company should make their first offer. Usually, that is a low offer, one that the plaintiff sees no reason to accept. The plaintiff should respond to the first offer in writing. That letter ought to give the reasons for the plaintiff’s rejection of the initial offer. The same letter should also contain the amount that represents a counter-offer.

What is the next step in the process of going after a fair settlement?

Depending on the results of the negotiations, the next step could be participation in the mediation process. During that process, a mediator listens to representatives for both of the disputing sides. Based on what he or she hears, that same mediator then strives to get the 2 opposing parties to agree on a compromise. If the mediator does not get the 2 opposing parties to agree on a compromise, the entire process moves on to the trial stage. Of course, mediation would not be necessary, if the 2 sides agreed on an offer before turning to the mediator.

For example, the plaintiff might get an acceptable offer from the insurance adjuster. If that were to happen, then the plaintiff should check again the size of the unpaid medical bills. That checking process ought to show whether or not the offered amount would cover the cost of the medical expenses.

If the plaintiff did feel that the insurance company’s offer was acceptable, then that same plaintiff should get working on a written response to the offered amount. That letter should restate the size of the compensation that had been offered by means of a phone call, or an email.

As described so far, that written response would not guarantee payment by the insurance company of the offered amount of money. Instead, it should be sent in combination with a release. That release should state that the plaintiff does not plan to pursue any further claims, at least no claims that relate to that one specific accident. The receipt of such a release should result in issuance of fair compensation.

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