Who Gets Held Responsible If A Child Gets Injured At School?

School authorities are responsible for all of their students during school hours, regardless of the manner by which any one student might have been injured.

Locations in which accidents should be prevented include in the classroom, on the bus, on a field trip or at the playground. The nature of the playground equipment increases chances for a slipping or falling incident. You need to know that bad behavior that should not be tolerated includes bullying and fighting.

Actions that should be taken by school authorities:

Limit the number of children that must be supervised by a single adult.

Consider the competence level of supervised students, when assigning an adult to act as their supervisor.

Keep playground equipment in good condition.

When older students become involved in service-learning activities, meet with parents to explain the nature of such activities. Not all parents understand the purpose of service-directed learning. Some parents have expressed concerns about the nature of the spots in which the students are performing a service.

Questions that an attorney should ask, if a client’s child has been injured at school:’

• Did the adults present have a duty of care towards the injured student?
• Did any of the students attending the school experience damage or a loss while at that particular institution?
• Did a breach of duty by a supervising adult cause that particular damage or loss?

Factors to consider when seeking a fair compensation for the family of an injured student:

• How much time did the student’s parents have to take off from work, in order to get a son or daughter to scheduled doctor’s appointments?
• Did the student have to travel great distances, in order to attend scheduled doctor’s appointments?
• Had the school been warned about a possible danger before the student’s accident had confirmed the warning?
• Had any work at the school been done by a contractor?
• What procedure was used to solicit parents’ requests?
• What procedures were used to share information with parents?
• Does the parent feel assured of the claim that the same accident will not be repeated?
• Has the school made changes which appear capable of ensuring the student’s safety?
• What procedure has been put in place for teaching new students about the safety issues that tend to play a role in ongoing problems?
• What procedure exists for providing new faculty members with information on the spots where safety issues prove of greatest concern?

If a new faculty member has any question that relates to a safety issue, to whom should that same question be addressed? Who evaluates the adequacy of any answer given to that particular question?

What mechanism exists for obtaining input on those places where a change could make the students safer? Who studies such suggestions; who shares them with other men and women that serve as faculty members at the school? You can talk with a personal injury lawyer in Richmond Hill to know more about these aspects.

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