How Does The Dog Bite Settlement Process Play Out?

Someone that has become the target of a dog’s teeth might wonder how to seek the compensation that he or she deserves. That victim should know that the process usually ensures a decent compensation to victims of a dog bite.

Process has been designed to put pressure on the dog’s owner.

Typically, that owner should feel as though he or she could be held liable for the bite-related injuries. The owner’s concerns could differ from state to state.

-Some states practice strict liability, which requires any owner of a canine to maintain control of that same pet.

-Another group of states enforces a one-bite rule. That frees the owner from liability concerns, following a dog’s first bite. After that, though, it becomes the owner’s responsibility to control the pet that has a history of causing dog bite incidents.

The process does not take into account any stray dogs that might be receiving temporary care at a type of “foster” home. That caregiver might not share with true owners a desire to demonstrate control of the fostered pet.

A requirement of any person that has submitted a dog bite claim

That target of a canine’s teeth must show that he or she sustained real damages. In the eyes of the law, the word “real” usually translates as “measurable.” In other words, the personal injury lawyer in Richmond Hill knows that the victim must have suffered obvious and measurable damages.

The damages could be financial, as well as physical. Of course, someone that is operating his or her own business could find it difficult to prove the existence of measurable losses/damages.

That injured entrepreneur would need to satisfy the demands of the owner’s lawyer. That same lawyer would have the right to request more than one proof of income, or of profits. In other words, the victim might need to submit both a copy of the previous year’s taxes, and also copies of the accountant’s records.

What defenses might a canine’s owner offer, in response to a personal injury claim?

Sometimes, the owner’s eyes have witnessed the victim carrying out an act that could provoke a majority of dogs. The legal system views performance of a provocative act as an acceptable reason for a dog’s aggressive behavior.
Still, what could provoke one canine might not provoke all of them. For instance, a female that has been guarding her pups might view a stranger that has entered the area as a reason to carry out a biting attack.

Moreover, the law does not look the same way at acts performed by adults, and those performed by a child. Owners are expected to use an added amount of caution, if a child were to express a desire to pet a 4-legged friend.

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