The driver’s neglectful behavior came after the accident. It did not cause the same incident. That same driver would deserve to be penalized by both the government and the insurance company.
What is the nature of that penalty?
• Traffic authorities would arrange to have the driver’s license suspended or revoked.
• The insurance policy for that same driver could be cancelled.
Drivers that have committed a hit-and-run accident have also broken the law.
Each state asks drivers to stop at the scene of an accident, if it is safe to do so. Anyone that has become involved in an accident is supposed to show proof of identification and assist anyone that needs help.
What are legal consequences for causing accident, and then fleeing from the scene?
• If anyone has been injured, the fleeing driver could be charged with a felony.
• Anyone charged with committing a felony could be hit with a fine of $50,000 to $20,000, in addition to facing jail time.
• In some states hit-and-run drivers get charged with commission of a misdemeanor. Still each of them faces a penalty of $5,000, plus jail time.
Administrative penalties
License revoked or suspended for 6 months to one year, possibly longer.
Victim would have right to sue the responsible party for damages. A court could be expected to increase the anticipated size of any damage award.
An attorney for the injured victim could seek payment of punitive damages, as well.
The insurance company would cancel the automobile policy.
Results anticipated, following imposition of penalties
The insurance company would cancel the policy of the responsible/fleeing driver.
It would prove difficult for that former policyholder to find a company that was willing to take him/her as a customer.
Drivers that have access to a set-of-wheels, but do not have any form of insurance often sneak in a limited amount of driving, although without a license. Of course, there is no guarantee of a driver’s freedom from accidents during a short trip.
In other words, sometimes the harsh penalties fail to keep the negligent motorist off of the roads. As a result, he or she could end up facing the need to pay more penalties, usually in the form of a punitive damage award.
What are the options for someone that was injured during a hit-and-run incident?
Someone that had purchased an uninsured motorist option could try using the potential coverage from that option. Still some states require identification of the uninsured motorist. When that is the case, the policyholder lacks the ability to make use of the purchased option.
Usually, the insurance company asks each of the hit-and-run victims to work with the police, in an effort to locate the responsible driver.