Insurance companies have learned what sorts of accidents are apt to cause a particular type of injury.
Injuries that typically result from a rear end impact:
Whiplash: This can range from mild stiffness or soreness of the neck or back to more severe damage to the muscles and discs of the spine.
Traumatic brain injuries: The occupant’s head could hit some object in the impacted vehicle. At that point, the brain could make contact with the skull. Those in the front seat could suffer burns, due to the presence of the propellant in the air-inflated bags.
Injuries that typically result from a T-bone crash:
Broken bones: Caused when arms or legs hit parts of vehicle.
Internal damage: The driver could hit the steering wheel.
Brain trauma: As in the case with a rear end impact, the occupant’s head could hit some object inside of the vehicle. If that were to happen, the brain could make contact with the skull.
Cuts from broken glass
Factors affecting the severity of any one injury:
• The size of the occupant and the weight of the occupant
• The force of the impact
• The presence of protective gear on the shaken occupant
Insurance companies can see the size of any one occupant. Hence, it is easy to discount the extent of an accident’s effects of any children in the impacted vehicle. Still, the exact force of the impact remains unknown.
Injury Lawyer in Richmond Hill know that occupants with a pre-existing condition are more likely to display a marked effect to the consequential force that caused the collision. Insurance companies pay closest attention to the pre-existing conditions that complicate the lives of some adults. Yet even a small child could have a condition that existed previous to the date of the accident. For instance, such a child might have an earache.
The significance of emotional issues
Victims of a car accident could complain about trouble sleeping, about feelings of anxiety or about depression. Some victims might exhibit mood swings. The appearance of such emotional issues should not get overlooked or discounted.
For instance, a parent might discount mood swings in a young teenager. Young people are known to have raging hormones. The real danger comes when such an unclear symptom shows up at a time when there are no other glaring symptoms.
For example, a teen with a traumatic brain injury might complain about a few headaches and subject a parent to one or two sudden outbursts. That might not be enough to push a mother or father to schedule a doctor’s appointment for that same teen.
If allowed to develop, the brain injury would probably trigger the development of further symptoms. Still, the parents might not pay sufficient attention to those symptoms.