Major changes took place in Ontario on June 1, 2016. On that day, the value of the benefits offered to victims of a motor vehicle accident got reduced. That reduction came about as the result of an order to combine certain benefits.
Some benefits remained unchanged.
Those are the ones that address damages caused by the loss of income, or damages resulting from a lack of housekeeping care, when an injury impairs the completion of housekeeping chores. By the same token, no effort has been made to overlook an accident victim’s need for help with medical expenses, along with a possible requirement for attendant care. Instead, insufficient thought has been given to the value placed on such beneficial services.
A benefits’ summation before June 1, 2016:
Personal Injury Lawyer in Georgetown knows that an accident victim with a minor injury can receive up to $50,000 for medical and rehabilitation expenses. The same victim can receive up to $36,000 for attendant care.
An accident victim with a catastrophic injury can count on as much as $1 million for medical expenses and rehabilitation services. Those same victims can count on up to $1 million for attendant care.
A benefits’ summation after June 1, 2016:
Residents of Ontario that suffer a minor injury in a motor vehicle accident are now awarded up to $65,000 for a combination of medical and rehabilitation expenses, along with coverage for attendant care. Residents of Ontario that suffer a catastrophic injury in such an accident are awarded up to $1 million for a combination of medical and rehabilitation expenses, along with coverage for attendant care.
What provision has been put in place to help residents of Ontario plan for the possible need to choose between paying for rehab services and paying for attendant care?
Insurance companies now sell optional enhancements to the existing policies. Those enhancements can serve to ensure the existence of sufficient money for both rehabilitation services and attendant care. Of course, the typical resident must pay good money for each enhancement. That money goes into the coffers of the insurance company.
What purpose has been served by carrying out such a change?
Such changes are supposed to save the government money, since the government pays for the benefits. Yet it seems impossible to deny the fact that the insurance companies profit from the sale of options. Moreover, any sound-thinking resident would be forced to admit that the enhancements that once seemed truly optional now seem almost mandatory.
One group has not enjoyed any greater profits from the benefits’ reduced value. That is the community of personal injury lawyers in Georgetown. Now, each of them must work harder to obtain a fair compensation for their clients. Yet their harder work does not help them to earn a larger fee.