Steps To Filing A Personal Injury Complaint

The first step can strengthen or weaken any contemplated complaint. It involves seeking immediate medical help for any injuries. If you delay seeking such assistance, you should not be surprised to win a rather small reward.

Steps that should follow that first one

Seek out the services of a lawyer, so that you can offer all of the relevant evidence. You must prove that you sustained an injury as a result of the recent accident. You must also show that negligence, as demonstrated by the other party can be pointed to as the cause of your injuries.

Once you have gathered sufficient evidence, you need to determine who should be held liable for your injuries. In the case of a motor vehicle collision, it would be the driver of the other vehicle. In the case of a defective product injury, you may need to select from a list of several people or businesses that could be held liable.

After you have created a list of those that might be held liable for your injuries, you need to work with your lawyer, in order to make each of those same individuals aware of your intentions. In other words, you must let each of them know that you plan to file a claim.

What to keep in mind, as you make your intentions known

Do not think that you can just call someone on the phone and say that you plan to file an injury claim. Injury Lawyer in Richmond Hill must write a letter. In that letter, you should provide all the details, regarding the accident. Otherwise, the letter’s recipient might not recall the specific nature of the injury-causing incident, the one that initiated the plans for filing a claim.

Also include in your letter a deadline, the date by which you hope to get a written response. The mention of a deadline can trigger more than one type of response.

The possible form of a response

It could come in the form of a letter, stating that the accused party stands ready to take on the role of a defendant at a trial. It could also come in the form or an offer to settle. The accused party might be ready to offer some form of compensation. Remember, a settlement can be reached at any point in the process used to address the victim’s losses.

Of course, the victim does not have to accept that initial offer. After all, that offer might not suggest a willingness on the part of the accused party to acknowledge the extent of the harm done to the victim. It could be made in hopes of avoiding the need for paying an even larger amount of money.

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